464 Wellness Solutions: Mind, Body, Spirit 
464 Wellness Solutions: Individualized mental health and wellness solutions to meet your unique needs

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By Kayla Lane 13 Jul, 2023
464 Wellness Solutions is more than just a medical practice for me. It is a way of approaching general health and it is a lifestyle. The 464 portion of the name is based off of a Bible verse that I have held close to my heart for many years now, Isaiah 46:4. It states that God, as creator, will carry, sustain, and rescue us even until we are old and gray! As I have pondered what that means over the years, it has become profoundly evident that, through every situation in my life, I am guided. Whether it is through the decisions I am making or trials of life that I am enduring. But, how does that become a practice model for wellness? It is well-known in literature that wellness of the mind and body are interrelated. For example, according to the American Heart Association, symptoms of depression are 3 times more likely to occur after suffering a heart attack or diagnosis of heart failure than would occur in the general population and depressed survivors of heart attack are 50% more likely to subsequently suffer a stroke (American College of Cardiology, 2022)! I would say that is a pretty strong connection. However, I take it a step further to include that wellness of spirit or soul is also just as important and requires our attention. As spirituality and psychological well-being continues to be researched and studied, findings typically indicate that psychological well-being is noticeably improved with lower rates of stress, depression symptoms, and anxiety when there is an emphasis on spiritual health. Regardless of your religious beliefs, your spirit is an integral part of yourself that can also suffer and play a role in overall wellness. So what all of this tells me, is that if the mind and body show a connection and the mind and the spirit show a connection, then they are all actually connected. As I formed the wellness model “464 Pillars of Wellness,” it was evident that each area had aspects where things can go awry and cause changes in the other areas. The 4 aspects of Body include breathing, movement, what we allow to be seen and heard, and what we ingest by mouth. The goal for Body is to become more mindful of these acts. The 6 aspects of Mind include thoughts, beliefs, acceptance, empathy, judgment, and truth. The goal for Mind is to monitor the quality and validity of these experiences. The 4 aspects of Spirit include faith, hope, peace, and gratitude. The goal for Spirit is to learn what these mean for you and to look at your life or circumstances through this lens. Integration of the mind-body-spirit lifestyle into our daily life takes time and intention. But, above all, it takes a willingness to try, give ourselves the grace to take it one day at a time, and to be okay with the hiccups, delays, or resistance that may occur along the way. As long as we take each new day as just that, a new day to try it again, we eventually start making consistent efforts that will yield results. New habits take root and our journey continues. As a mental health clinician, my role in your journey is as a wellness partner and guide. We look at these areas with honesty and with introspection to identify opportunities for growth that will ideally have long-lasting results.
By Kayla Lane 10 Jul, 2023
Have you had your antioxidants today? This bowl of antioxidant rich fruit and green tea could be your weapon against the effects of oxidative stress on your body. Oxidative stress is caused by an overabundance of free radicals in the body and is known to wreak havoc on our cells. Aging, cancer, cardiovascular disease, as well as multiple inflammatory processes are all effects of free radical damage to our cells. So, what is the hype with antioxidants and why are they so important? Free radicals are unstable, highly reactive molecules in the body and, if left unchecked, can cause oxidative stress that puts us at risk for a multitude of disease processes. Antioxidants have what these free radicals need to stabilize and become less reactive. However, if the balance between free radicals and antioxidants is uneven, the effects of oxidative stress are still a problem. Wellness is always about balance. Even this one bowl of fruit with green tea can only go so far in my body to do its work if I allow free radicals to take center stage. This is where mindfulness is so important. Knowing what we are putting in makes all the difference. The damaging effects of daily exposure to free radicals from our environment, smoking, cosmetics, refined sugar, processed meats, and fried foods cannot be undone with one occasional bowl of fruit. Making simple swaps on a daily, consistent basis and eliminating those exposures that we can control is one step toward more mindful living. Integrating foods that have a low glycemic index, are organic, and were minimally processed is a smart first step in this process. This particular bowl of fruit is effective for digestion, hormone balance, and inflammation. From a mental health standpoint, anti-inflammatory foods are wonderful for individuals suffering from depression and anxiety to fight the oxidative stress associated with increased cortisol levels. Rich sources of antioxidants are found in foods containing vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins, vitamin A, K, and C, as well as minerals such as magnesium, folate, and beta-carotene. Another source of antioxidants can be found in foods or drinks containing polyphenols such as green tea. Think of it as a scavenger hunt to find out what foods contain antioxidants and which foods or lifestyle habits contribute to oxidative stress. Get creative and let yourself make some new, healthy habits toward optimal wellness!

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The first step on your journey is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.

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